From yr. Editors:
April, our beloved virtual website avatar, vanished suddenly back in April 2014 (I know, April. Weird, right?) April was a kind of virtual assistant for us here at ReadingGlassesEtc. We didn't technically hire her, she just showed up one day back in 2012 and started doing her thing. She popped up from time to time to help our customers find things and offered suggestions.
Anyway, the last we heard was a very vague text message from her, "Sorry guys, I'm being called up!" To this day we do not know what happened to her or where she went. We do know that she had recently gotten into a big fight with Siri...
As a virtual person she could be anywhere. We have received many unconfirmed reports that suggest that:
- After her fight with Siri, she became Cortana, the new virtual assistant for Microsoft Windows Phone. [Ed. We asked Cortana but to date we have not received a satisfactory reply. Hmmm.]
- After a brief stint with the NSA April went to Hollywood to do work for the companies producing all of the latest AI, or "Artificial Intellegence" movies, like "Ex Machina" and various TV shows. [Ed. I know for a fact that April would never work for anyone that considered her intellegence "artificial". Hi everyone at NSA! Don't you have something more important to work on?]
- April was a prank pulled on us by the "notorious hacker", Aubrey Plaza, AKA "April" Ludgate from the great TV show, "Parks and Recreation". [Ed. We love P&R and Aubrey, and cannot imagine her doing something like this. Well, maybe a little, but still.]
- April has gone into the future to prevent/create SKYNET. [Ed. Being here in the past, will we ever really know the truth?!]
- April was created by us at ReadingGlassesEtc from basic stock photos and used in a weird, ellaborate way as some kind of mis-guided marketting ploy. [Ed. Really? Very unlikely, duh.]
Again, we really don't know what happened but if you have seen or heard from April please let us know. Here is the last known image of April although she can appear as anything, really:
[Ed. We have been getting messages from April! Here is the latest!]