

Steve Mower, Optician / Owner ReadingGlassesEtc, LLC


This is a small company. We pride ourselves on our great customer service. We do not always have someone available to talk but we are very fast in responding to your messages when we are away.

Over the years we have added a lot of informational pages about our products and how to order them. Click the PRODUCT INFO link at the top of the page. Ninety-nine percent of peoples' questions have answers there. For information on prescription lenses click Rx LENSES.  

If you have a question about an order or product that you purchased: Sign In to your account and select the order number. You can request a return or send me a message.

If you have a problem purchasing on our site, please include any error message you got as well as the browser and device you are using. We will do our best to address the issue in a timely fashion.

By Phone: Call Me Toll Free 800-461-5057. If I am away from my office, please leave a brief message and I will respond ASAP. (My call back to you may be from a number other than our 800#.) 

I promise to reply as soon as humanly possible, sometimes even faster! I promise to handle your contact information with utmost respect and care. I don't like spam, and know that you don't either. I promise not to share your information with anyone else.

Our Mailing Address:

Reading Glasses Etc
14001C Saint Germain Dr. Suite 637
Centreville, VA 20121 


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MULTI-PAIR SALE! See details>